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Deprecating services and settings

A deprecation allows you to mark an alias, service, or setting for removal and, optionally, to suggest a replacement. When a deprecated setting, service, or alias is requested, it’s handled normally, except an E_USER_DEPRECATED error will be triggered, and if a replacement has been given, it will be suggested in the message.

Deprecations are an important part of versioning your package. Marking items for removal allows your users to update their code before you introduce breaking changes.

Use the $g->deprecate() method to deprecate an alias, setting, or service. The method accepts two arguments: a deprecated id and an optional replacement id.

# /path/to/jstewmc/gravity/.gravity/deprecating.php

namespace Jstewmc\Gravity\Example;

// define settings to deprecate (use an array in real life)
$g->set('jstewmc.gravity.example.deprecating.foo', 0);
$g->set('jstewmc.gravity.example.deprecating.bar', 1);
$g->set('jstewmc.gravity.example.deprecating.baz', 2);

// define services to deprecate (using a fake namespace)
$g->set(Deprecating\Foo::class, function () {
    return new Service\Foo();

$g->set(Deprecating\Bar::class, function () {
    return new Service\Bar();

$g->set(Deprecating\Baz::class, function () {
    return new Service\Baz();

// deprecate a setting without replacement

// deprecate a setting with a replacement

// deprecate foo without a replacement

// deprecate bar with a replacement
$g->deprecate(Deprecating\Bar::class, Deprecating\Baz::class);

When you request a deprecated service or setting, an E_USER_DEPRECATED error will be triggered (this example will output E_USER_DEPRECATED errors):

# /path/to/jstewmc/gravity/examples/deprecating.php

namespace Jstewmc\Gravity\Example;

use Jstewmc\Gravity\Manager;

require_once realpath(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php');

$g = new Manager();

// without suggested replacement

// with suggested replacement

That’s it!

If you’ve made it here, you’ve learned how to identify, get, set, and alias services and settings. You can learn more about logging and caching, or get coding!

If you have any questions, let us know.