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Validating a project

Gravity allows developers to define required services and settings for their packages with an identifier and a description:

$g->require('Foo\Bar\Baz', 'Lorem ipsum inum');
$g->require('foo.bar.baz', 'Dolor amet');

To check a project’s requirements are met (and that all services can be instantiated successfully), Gravity provides a command-line tool, gravity validate:

/path/to/project $ gravity validate

If a project’s requirements are met and all services can be instantiated without error, validate will print a success message:

/path/to/project $ gravity validate
Project is valid!

If not, validate will print error messages as a bulleted list:

/path/to/project $ gravity validate
Project is invalid! Found 1 errors:

    * jstewmc\gravity\example\service\quux: Instatiating service, 'jstewmc\gravity\example\service\quux', failed with Error: Class 'Jstewmc\Gravity\Example\Service\Asdf' not found